On May 20th, a Will County Forest Preserve District officer issued a $50 citation to a woman who had posted the following on Facebook:
I was feeling bad that I haven’t bought a pass and been bringing Ginger there but I’m pretty glad I haven’t. So not going to worry about it until later. I hope all the doggies get better soon.
The comment was posted in response to concerns some dog owners had posted about kennel cough among some dogs at a dog park in Will County. A county employee noticed the comment and forwarded it to an officer, who interpreted the comment to mean the woman was using the dog park without a permit and issued her the citation.
After receiving the citation, the woman posted on the dog park Facebook page that she had not been to the dog park since 2013. Shortly thereafter, the county rescinded her citation and stated that the county does not monitor social media in search of potential law breakers nor is it county policy to issue tickets for social media posts.